Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Technology Growing at West

Skyler Reisig

West Jessamine High School has continually become more advanced in the technological department.  This includes SmartBoards, projectors and numerous technology labs.  But with this advances we have negatives as well such as slow computers, glitches, computer crashing. Our school has made several strides to become more modern such as purchasing 500 iPads and updating our school website.

But with becoming more technological we run the risk of depending on technology. If a computer crashes it makes it harder on us to perform simple tasks because we become more dependent on technology.

Technology is used daily such as; taking attendance, checking our grades on infinite campus, typing papers, and looking at the content for your next test on Moodle.  But as we do more with technology the more dependent we become. We use smart boards daily.   The majority of classes use smart boards for compiling notes while other classes use them for videos or to give out bell work or bell ringers.  The downside of SmartBoards is that they are slow and at times unreliable.  Most of us have been in at least one of our computer labs or even the library (just for computer work).  Depending on what you’re doing in the computer lab they can prove to be very useful or to slow to do anything. I put emphasis on slow sometimes the computers are unusable because of how slow they are. It may not seem like it but computers are a big part of our everyday lives.

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